Tier 1: “Solar Starter” Plan

Unlock your solar potential with our ‘Solar Starter’ Plan—a three-hour consultation for comprehensive solar education. Our experts guide you through photovoltaic systems and empower your solar decision-making. Explore advanced part selection in our Tier 2 ‘Solar Pro’ Plan.


Tier 1: “Solar Starter” Plan


“Discover the ‘Solar Starter’ Plan, an extended three-hour phone consultation that takes your solar journey to the next level!

This plan is designed to provide you with comprehensive guidance and education on solar energy. Our experts will help you navigate the intricacies of photovoltaic systems, explaining how they work and what you can expect in terms of costs. We’ll answer all your burning questions and provide insights to empower your solar decision-making.

Please note that while we offer assistance in selecting the right solution for your project, detailed part selection is available in our Tier 2 ‘Solar Pro’ Plan. With the ‘Solar Starter’ Plan, you’re equipped with the knowledge and confidence to embark on your solar adventure.”


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